Yottaa's Impact Dashboard

The Yottaa's Impact dashboard shows how Yottaa is improving your site's performance. If your site does not have enough optimized and unoptimized traffic, some metrics do not appear. By default, the dashboard shows data from the last seven days. To change the time period, click the calendar icon in the top right corner. To refresh the data, click the refresh icon .




Faster Page Load Time

The percent difference between your optimized and unoptimized page load time.

Sessions Optimized

The number of sessionsClosed The period of time when a customer is active on your site. A session times out after 30 minutes of inactivity. that Yottaa optimized during the selected period.

More Target Zone Sessions

Compares the percent of sessions that fell within the target zone in optimized and unoptimized traffic. The target zone is the page load time range at which the majority of conversions take place and at which your site's conversion rate is the highest. This number varies across sites. (Not available for all customers).

Fewer Third Party Violations

The percent difference between the amount of violationsClosed Any activity that impacts, or has the potential to impact, user experience. that occurred for optimized and unoptimized traffic during the selected period

Shopper Time Saved

Yottaa calculates the larger number by multiplying the performance improvement (difference in average page load time between optimized and unoptimized sessions) by the number of page views during the selected period. The per-session number is calculated by multiplying the performance improvement by the average number of pages viewed per sessionClosed The period of time when a customer is active on your site. A session times out after 30 minutes of inactivity..

Impact on Device Types

This section shows how Yottaa is impacting a variety of metrics on each device type. Use the drop-downs at the top of the section to select a performance metric and a statistic. Click the orange arrow next to the section title to open the Web Vitals dashboard.

The following metrics are available: 

Page Load Time

The amount of time it takes for the initial HTML document to be loaded with all stylesheets, images, and subframes, and all event handlers for window.onload to be called. At this point, the page is interactive to users. Throughout the Yottaa portal, "onload timeClosed the time it takes for the initial HTML document to load with all stylesheets, images, and subframes. At this point, the page is usually interactive to users. "Onload time" is equal to the high-resolution timestamp returned by the PerformanceNavigationTiming.loadEventEnd property. " is used interchangeably with "page load time." 

Also referred to as "onload time." 

Time to Interactive

Measures the time when the page becomes reliably interactive to users by searching for a five-second pause in network activity after the last long task following the first contentful paint. TTI is the moment when that long task ends. If there is no long task after first contentful paint, TTI is the moment that first contentful paint is complete.

First Contentful Paint When the browser renders the first bit of content from the DOM, which signals to the user that the page is loading. This content can include text, image (including background images), non-white canvas or SVG.
First Input Delay The time it takes for the page to respond to the first user interaction (for example, a click, tap, or a scroll).
Largest Contentful Paint The time it takes for the largest piece of visible content on a page to load.



Click one of the data boxes to change the charts and graphs that appear below:




Overall Page Load Time

Shows the overall metric for both optimized and unoptimized traffic as well as the amount optimized traffic improved.

Desktop Page Load Time

Shows the desktop metric for both optimized and unoptimized traffic and well as the amount that optimized traffic improved.

Mobile Page Load Time

Shows the mobile metric for both optimized and unoptimized traffic and well as the amount that optimized traffic improved.

Device Type Comparison Graph

This graph shows how optimized and unoptimized traffic have changed over time during the selected period. You can select the metric and device type using the drop-downs and data boxes at the top of the section

All Devices by Page Category

This table shows how optimized and unoptimized traffic performed in each page category for the selected metric. Click any column header to sort the table.

Impact on Third Parties

Click the orange arrow next to the section title to open the Performance Inventory.

This table shows how Yottaa is affecting the performance of third parties on your site based on how many page delay violations the third party is causing for optimized and unoptimized traffic. Use the drop-down at the top to filter the table based on the percent of pages on which third parties appear. The third parties that appear on a higher percentage of pages have a greater impact on your site.